Sharron- Business Manager and Nominated Supervior & Owner.
I am the Business Manager of Mother Goose Day Nursery. I am the Nominated Supervisor and sole owner of Mother Goose Day Nursery. I am a Justice of the Peace for NSW.
I am a mum and I have lived in Maitland for most of my life. I currently live in the private residence at Mother Goose Day Nursery.
I have a Diploma in Children's Services and have work in Early Childhood since 2000. I have attended many training courses including, Weaving Australian Indigenous Culture into our curriculum, Supporting children with learning difficulties, Early Childhood intervention Professional Development Project, by Newcastle Uni, Manage a service organisation, Gifted Education seminar, by Gerric NSW Uni, Certificate of competency of Behaviour solutions for behaviour management, THRASS Accredited Certificate, in teaching English as a first or second language, Educational Leadership Training, Social Media marketing, Child protection training and understanding the new Legislation (EN ACT), Safe Series Workshop, Healing Invisable Wounds by Connecting carers NSW, PACE, Caring for Substance Exposed Infants, Connecting Carers NSW, Permaculture by Milkwood, Child Development Course, Good for Kids Good for life workshop, Playground Maintenance and Compliance Workshop, by KIDSAFE, Travel safely with children, by Kids and Traffic, Shade and Sun Safety Workshop, by The Cancer Council, Senior First Aid Certificate, by St John’s Ambulance, Emergency Asthma Management, Anaphylaxis training, Coaching Clinic, Lets eat by Valerie Gent, Improving Business Management with MYOB and EXCEL, Let
I look forward to meeting you and your child.
Kasie- Director & Educational Leader
Kasie started at Mother Goose Day Nursery in January 2008. Kasie now works along side Sharron in the Leadership Team of Mother Goose Day Nursery as the Director and Educational Leader role.
Kasie has a Degree in Teaching /Bachelor of Social Science and a number of years in the Child Care Industry. Kasie has her Supervisors Certificate, Senior First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management and Anaphylaxis training. Other training completed include Exploring Early Childhood: Past Present and Future by Semann & Slattery, Understanding Emotional Regulation, How Trauma affects the brain by My Forever Family, Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe, Hands on Stem by Gowrie, Child Protection, Managing Challenging Behaviors by Hunter Prelude, Sustainability in Early Childhood, Re framing challenging behaviour-Individualised programming for children, ECTARC, Food, Nutrition & challenging behaviors, SAFE series workshop by Office of the children’s Guardian, Understanding Teacher Accreditation by NESA, Connect to Country by Maitland Local AECG, Steiner Early Childhood Education Workshop by Inspired EC, Understanding and Managing ADHD by the Sensory Clinic, Educational Leaders Network group by Inspired EC, Im an Educational Leader, Now What? Semann and Slattery, Early Childhood Education Conference;Together we Grow, investing in our future, Leadership and Professionalism, A focus on ethics and workplace culture by Gowrie, Working with Diversity in Gender and Identity expression by Dr Elizabeth Riley, Down the Rabbit Hole by Gowrie, Does this child need help, by Gowrie, Unwrapping and rediscovering the unlimited potential of play by Inspired EC, Lets Eat by Valerie Gent.
Kasie is passionate about many things within the child care industry, including documentation and Play Based programs. Kasie regularly researches current theories and practices to keep up to date. Kasie is a mum of four young daughters.
Personal Philosophy
I believe in every child right to play, to explore the world around them, directing their own learning (which all children are very capable of doing) as they create deeper knowledge of and connections with their natural and built environments. As children are given the freedom to do so, they are able to build a strong sense of self- learning about who they are now, how they fit in to their community and what they might aspire to be. As an advocate for children, I will support each child's right to play and self guided exploration by allowing large periods of uninterrupted time for children to immerse themselves in meaningful experiences.
I believe in forming strong respectful and trusting relationships with children in my care. I will support the children in developing trusting relationship with others, resulting in an environment where all children feel respected and valued. These relationships lay the foundations for all learning, as they allow children to feel safe, secure and supported within our environment, giving them the platform they need to confidently explore. I endeavor to work in close partnership with families and children, building respectful relationships in order to create a curriculum that reflects the culture, strengths and interests of each child; giving children a sense of belonging to our environment which will assist them to reach their full potential across all learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.
In line with Early Childhood theorist Jerome Bruner, I believe that it is my role as an educator to create a lifelong love of learning for all children that come into my care. I will do this by ensuring meaningful experiences. My role is to give the children the tool to become successful learners and I can do this by presenting myself as a learner well- researched along side the children and guiding them in their quest for knowledge and understanding, using open ended questions and providing opened experiences that encourage children to think and explore endless possibilities. Through observation of the children in my care, regular reflection of my practices and the program and knowledge of theories pertaining to child development I also aim to provide an environment and experiences that interest, motivate, engage and challenge the children in my care to be successful learners, both now and throughout life.
"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood." Fred Rodgers
Phoebe is the Room Leader in our Tiny Tadpoles Room and works 4 days a week .
Phoebe started at Mother Goose in February 2023 as a Trainee and has now almost finished her Diploma in Childrens Services. Phoebe has a son of her own and previously worked with youth before joining our team.
Personal Philosophy
I believe in children learning through their environment and allowing them to lead the way. By allowing children to seek out enrichment I feel we aid in supporting their independence. This includes utilising their routine to showcase their abilities. Children should have freedom to explore and engage with their surroundings. This includes utilising risky play, water play, sensory trays and climbing activities.
I hope to build strong connections with children to ensure they feel safe and secure at all times. I aim to ensure all children know their voices and feelings are heard and that I hold space for them.
I believe in building knowledge on each child’s culture and background and exploring it with them.
Maddie joined our team in 2018. Maddie has her Certificate 3 in Childrens Services. Maddie works full time in our Tiny Tadpoles Room. Maddie has her First Aid Certificate and attended Reframing challenging behaviour – individualised programming for children, Thoughtful environments-creating spaces that inspire learning, Oh no, its raining! by ECTARC. and Early Signals. First Responces. Module 1 by ECA, Creating a courageous culture in play by CELA
Personal Philosophy
I aim to provide children with a natural environment, so children have the freedom to grow, explore and play in a safe and natural space. I value sensory play and allowing children to explore mud and rain puddles. I also believe that this is working towards a more sustainable future.
I believe, that by ensuring all children, families and educators are feeling safe, secure and supported I will be able to assist in the growth and development of positive relationships. Through open communication, I will be able to maintain home routines and build stronger partnerships with families to provide the best quality on care for their children.
I believe in providing opportunities for children to learn about their own culture and culture of others. By providing an inclusively diverse environment, children can play, explore and participate in activities that respect all cultures.
I aim to assist children in developing respect for themselves and others whilst on their learning journey. I aim to help children to feel empowered whist building a strong sense of identity and supporting them to develop skills and a disposition for learning that will empower them for life.
Dana is Room Leader in our Curious Koalas Room.
Dana has her Diploma in Childrens Services and has been apart of our team since 2017. Dana has attended many short courses including First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management and Anaphylaxis training and Re framing challenging behaviour-Individualised programming for children, Supporting childrens transition to school-a collaborative approach by ECTARC.
Personal Philosophy
As an educator I believe establishing solid and respectful relationships with each child’s family will allow myself to deliver the upmost care and education for each individual. I aim for continual communication between families, resulting in support for each child in their day to day growth. I take great pride in being an approachable individual to staff, children and families.
I recognise and appreciate each child’s individuality and strive to provide experiences based on their current interests. My intention is to equip children with the 5 development areas. Including; physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication. I trust these development areas are a vital part of early childhood. These areas will prepare each child’s future for quality learning and development. As an educator I aim to assist each child to meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that supports sustained thinking, risk taking and self-worth.
I am a firm believer in a child’s need for boundaries and how they play a vital role in permitting children to feel secure.
I am passionate about working as a team with other educators in order to provide each child with quality care and education. I feel motivated each day to seek advice and learn through experienced educators around me.
I find immense joy in allowing children to direct their own learning through play. Allowing children to be self-sufficient creates decision making and gives them the opportunity to take on responsibility. Each day I endeavour to make children in my care feel ever so secure, loved and supported. I particularly enjoy and support our nature-based program at Mother Goose Day Nursery and continuously boost children to create their own play with the provision of open-ended resources – the possibilities are limitless!
Jenny joined our team in 2014 and has her Cert 3 in Childrens Services. Jenny works part time in our the Curious Koalas Room. Jenny has her own 3 children and is a Grandma.
Jenny has attended many trainings including Inspired EC Conference;Lets pretend, Moving to learn by Early Links, What is Reggio by Semann and Slattery, Documenting Children’s Learning; Observing and programming by Semann and Slattery, Understanding Emotional Regulation, How trauma affects the brain by My Forever Family, Aboriginal perspectives in Early Childhood by Semann and Slattery, 0-3 Routines Relationships and Responsibilities by Semann and Slattery, Observing with Purpose- gathering meaningful observations to inform practices by ECTRAC, Exploring the Early Years Learning Framework for babies and toddlers, and Language and literacy in the early years ECTARC. ECTARC, First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management, Anaphylaxis training.
Personal Philosophy
I believe the early years of a child’s life are the most important, learning is happening all the time through all developmental areas, including physical, social, emotional - cognitive & communication - I believe that the interactions a child receives at a young age has great impact on behaviours and learning for the future.
All children should be given choices in life as well as opportunities to learn and responsibilities to initiate their learning – the environment plays a major role, having programs to the child’s interest in all development areas and backgrounds, equals having a safe, positive, fun environment to encourage learning.
Children need the assurance of feeling loved and cared for as well as feeling safe, secure & supported to trust you to build relationships with them.
Families play a vital part, building a relationship with them I believe is a major part of being a great educator as they are trusting you with their child/ren in a safe, secure and supported environment and providing them feedback about their day is a vital part of relationships with a family and showing you care for there wellbeing.
Jessica is a School Based Trainee. Jessica works one day a week as she studies full time towards her HSC. We have felt very privileged welcoming Jessica to our team as Jessica came to Mother Goose as a little girls in our Tiny Tadpoles Room, until she started school.
Charli started with us in May 2024 as a trainee. Charli is currently working in our Curious Koalas room full time. We look forward to watching Charli grow as an educator.
Alexa is the Room Leader of our Leaping Frogs room.
Alexa joined our team on 2021. Alexa has her Diploma in Childrens Services.
Personal Philosophy
Faith started with our team in December 2022. Faith has her Certificate 3 in Children’s Services and is working towards her Diploma in Childrens Services. Faith works full time in our Leaping Frogs Room.
Indi has her Certificate 3 in Children’s Services. Indi works in our Leaping Frogs Rooms. Indi joined our team in 2019.
Indy has obtained her First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management, Anaphylaxis training. Indy has also attended other short courses including Working with childrens behaviours by Semann & Slattery. Through the eyes of a Toddler by ECTARC
Jessica started with our team in 2020 as a trainee. Jessica currently works casually for our team. Jess has her Cert 3 in Children’s Serves and is studying full time towards her Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Teaching.
Deniseis working full time and is sharing the Room Leaders position in the Brilliant Bees with Alison. Denise has her Degree in Teaching Early Childhood, and Supervisors Certificate, First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management, Anaphylaxis training. Denise has a number of years experience working with children with additional needs and many other training opportunities including Certificate 3 in Early Childhood and care, Diploma in Children’s Services, Understanding emotional regulation, How trauma affects the brain by My forever family, 2015 Sydney Sustainability conference, Understanding teacher accreditation by NESA, Connect to Country by Maitland AECG, Does this child need help by Gowrie, Unwrapping rediscovering the unlimited potential of play by Inpired EC, Mental Health master class;committed to child care, Yarning circles 2018/2019, Aboriginal perspectives in Early Childcare by Semann and Slattery, Hands on Stem by Gowrie, Diploma of Management by Child care College, Darl Emu by Bruce Pascoe, The Rhythm of Programming by Semann and Slattery, Be you(Beyond Blue) Growing mental health generation), Aboriginal Culture in Child Care by Bankstown Family Day Care, Aboriginal Culture in service by Speaking in Colour, Exploring play by Nikki Buchanan, Lets Eat by Valerie Gent. Supporting children’s transition to school-a collaborative approach by ECTARC. Creating a courageous culture in play by CELA.
Denise is also a foundation educator of Mother Goose Day Nursery.
Personal philosophy
I believe every child is unique and full of potential in their own way.
Each child grows at their own pace and each child comes from a family which has their own culture, belief systems and values.
I endeavour to work in a partnership with families in order to create a culture of belonging, so each child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Family is first and foremost a child’s first educators.
I believe in developing strong, respectful and reciprocal relationships with all families and children within my care.
I will support children to develop trusting and respectful relationships with others, allowing all children to feel safe, secure and supported.
Early childhood learning happens through play. Children learn by doing and active participation.
When given the opportunity to explore, children flourish. They experiment, make choices, achieve strength and a sense of belonging as an effective and valued individual within the context of a safe and supportive environment.
“Play is the highest form of research”
- Albert Einstein
As an educator and a life-long learner I feel I have the responsibility to instil a love of learning, to pose questions and work with children to find answers and provide children with meaningful experiences.
Frobell believed “that play is of paramount importance in the development of the child”. He describes play simply as “active learning within the real world”.
As an educator I reflect on my play experiences as a child. These experiences and relationships have great significance in shaping who I am and who I am becoming. These experiences have encouraged me to take calculated risks and to follow dreams within the Early Childhood environment. I encourage risk taking and investigating, exploration and imagination.
My program is full of discovery and freedom allowing children the opportunity to make a mess, play in the mud and dance in the rain.
I reinforce the values of enabling children to respect their natural environment and have a love for the world around them.
“We could never have learned to love the earth so well. If we had no childhood in it”
-George Elliot
Alison shares the Room Leaders role in the Brilliant Bees with Denise. Alison has her Diploma in Childrens Services and is working towards her Degree of Teaching in Early Childhood. Alison Works Full Time and is a mother of 2 teenages.
Alison has her First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management, Anaphylaxis training. Alison has also completed many short courses .
Personal Philosophy
Every child has the right to play, to explore the world around them, directing their own learning as they create deeper knowledge and connections with their environment. I will support each child’s right to self-guided exploration and play by allowing large periods of uninterrupted time for children to immerse themselves in rich and meaningful experiences.
I strongly believe in children’s emotional development being the cornerstone of trust and security in the childcare environment. When children feel safe and supported, they will explore, play, problem solve and challenge themselves by trying out new things.
I believe that the partnership between families and educators is essential in the growth and development of children in our care. Families are children’s first teachers who hold unique beliefs, culture and traditions. By forming open reciprocal relationships with parents and families, we can work together to assist children to reach their full potential across all learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.
I believe it is important to teach children, not only to respect themselves and others but also to respect our environment. I will encourage children to nurture living things and support their exploration and respect of our natural world.
I see children as strong, resourceful, capable and inquisitive. Each child possesses inherent strengths and abilities. It is my aim every day to foster children’s life skills and support their independence, confidence and self-esteem.
Ned works across our service supporting educators in many rooms.
Ned started working with our team in 2021. Ned has his Cert 3 in Children’s Serves in 2021 and is studying full time towards his Degree in Primary Teaching. Ned has completed several short courses including, First Aid and Anaphylaxis training and attended short courses including Observing with purpose - gathering meaningful observations to inform practices by ECTARC, Re framing challenging behaviour-Individualised programming for children, ECTARC.
Nicole started with our team in January 2021. Nicole is a proud Biripi women who has her Certificate 3 in Childrens Services. Nicole currently works 2-3 days a week between our Leaping Frogs and Brilliant Bees Rooms. Nicole is the mother of a beautiful little boy.
Nicole has attended many short courses including Through the eyes of a Toddler, Language and literacy in the early years, Supporting childrens transition to school-a collaborative approach by ECTRAC, Observing with Purpose- Gathering meaningful observations to inform practices by ECTRAC, Exploring the Early Years Learning Framework for babies and toddlers, ECTARC, Lets Eat by Valerie Gent.
Personal Philosophy
I believe that my role as an educator is to make sure that all children feel safe in my care. I will do this by providing an environment where all children and families are respected and treated equally. Families are the most important people in children’s lives and I believe in developing strong, positive relationships with families and children so they feel safe, comfortable and supported whilst in my care.
I recognise that all children are different and come to care with different experiences, knowledge, abilities, religion and culture. I believe in supporting each child’s needs and ensuring that each child and family feels respected, supported and valued.
I believe that children learn most effectively through play. I will ensure that children have time and space to explore and are given the opportunity to make decisions about their own play.
I believe it is important to provide children with a natural environment to explore and discover. I believe that in doing so, I can more effectively help children understand the importance of caring for and respecting the environment that they are in and the living things in it.
As a proud Biripi woman, I enjoy sharing my cultural knowledge and experiences with children and families in my care, supporting them in developing an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal ways of being and again, helping them to develop stronger connection to and respect for the land that they are on. By sharing my culture with the children, I aim to make other Aboriginal children in my care feel represented and proud of who they are.
I am passionate about being physically active, having represented Australia twice in gymnastics. I believe an active and healthy lifestyle is important for over all well-being and aim to share and encourage this with children in my care.
I aim to work collaboratively with my team to ensure that the philosophy, policies and procedures of the education and care environment that I am in are upheld, in order to provide high quality care for all children and families.
Emily joined our team in July 2023. Emily works two days a week. Emily studies full time working towards her Bachelor in Early Childhood.
other Mother Goose staff
Julie is the centre's cleaner. Julie is a foundation staff member of Mother Goose Day Nursery.
Alex works in our office and within the rooms. Alex works Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Alex recommenced with us in 2014 on completion of her Certificate 3 in Children’s Services. Alex has a First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management and Anaphylaxis training. Alex has four beautiful children.
Melani started with our team in October 2023. Melani has a passion for providing nutritious meals for children. Melani believes that is important to provide inclusive meals for those with allergies and dietary requirments.
Educational Leader
Cassidy is Our Educational Leader and works short hours while raising a young family with 3 children.
Cassidy has her Teaching Degree in Early Childhood, Primary teaching, and High school teaching. Cassidy has taught in the United Kingdom for a number of years before returning to our team. Cassidy works part time and has two children of her own. Cassidy has her First Aid Certificate, Emergency Asthma Management and Anaphylaxis training.
Personal Philosophy
My philosophy is one that grows and changes alongside my own experiences and growth in this profession. It is a statement of my values and beliefs as well as a statement of commitment to continually learn, grow, and adapt as well as to reflect on our growing understanding of children and how they learn.
Children are capable individuals who have their own thoughts, ideas, motives, and feelings who deserve respect, autonomy and to have their individual identities celebrated. I believe children should be accepted, loved, and nurtured without judgement or bias to create an undeniable sense of belonging to their world.
I value holding space for children to move through their learning journey, encompassing all the parts that may seem messy or challenging and accepting our natural desire to connect with others in a variety of ways.
I value the importance of creating a love for learning, allowing children the autonomy to find their own motivations, interests, and passions, and following this to find joy. Within this concept, I value time and space for large blocks of uninterrupted play and leisure for children to lead their own adventures with thrilling exploration, following curiosity as it organically explodes or taking a moment of calm and serenity in their day. Through this, I believe we are supporting children to be confident, trust their instincts and build their self-worth.
I believe in fostering a connection to nature, allowing children time in awe of our wonderous world, to walk with bare feet, to feel the rain on their skin, to feel sunlight on their faces and run against the wind as it blows in the tall trees. I believe children should have access to outdoor spaces that are natural, thoughtful, and loved and be given the opportunity to develop a connection to their earth by existing in each space, by planting vegetables, picking berries, smelling flowers, and admiring creatures that coinhabit our shared space.
I see great value in encouraging children to feel and embrace all parts of themselves, to really feel their feelings and learn what it means to have big emotions and then be guided in how to regulate these emotions and find calm again with the support of a trusted Educator, building up the skills to self-regulate while also feeling heard and validated. I believe, in being consistent in this approach with children, leads to children who grow to be confident and resilient individuals who know their worth and can love themselves in a meaningful way.
Within my approach, I strongly value the families surrounding each child and encourage a strong partnership, where I am able to incorporate each family’s ideas, values, beliefs and culture into my practice to best serve the child and their family network.
I feel strongly about the importance of advocacy and social justice and find this important to incorporate in this sector when needing to be the voice for others and when needing to step aside and let someone else’s voice shine through. I think it is important to be intentional in being accepting and to be an ally for all communities, to ensure all families and children of our service and the wider community feel respected and included.
I wholeheartedly cherish the opportunity to be a part of this sector and be in my role, I get to learn copious amounts about children, how they learn, their goals, their strengths, their dreams and build trusted relationships that support each child all while allowing me to grow as an Educator and a person.
As an Educator, I feel passionate about supporting and ensuring there are ample opportunities available for my fellow Educators as well as myself to learn and grow within my profession. Within this sector are many dedicated professionals who commit to a lifelong learning journey within their career, in order to find the best ways to support children and their families. I believe in uplifting and empowering these Educators and acknowledging the knowledge, experience, expertise, and professionalism of my colleagues as an extremely vital part of this sector and embracing this to create a supported and passionate team around every family.
Dayle is currently on Maternity leave.
Dayle joined our team in January 2018. Dayle has her Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and Primary teaching. Dayle has her First Aid Certificate, and Anaphylaxis training, Child Protection Awarness training, Understanding Autism professional development, Lets eat by Valerie Gent, Exploring the Early Years Learning Framework for babies and toddlers, ECTARC, Observing with purpose - gathering meaningful observations to inform practices by ECTARC. Early Signals. First Responces. Module 1 & 2 by ECA has completed workshop in Programming and planning for infants, Understanding reflective practice cycles pars 1 & 2, by Semman & Slattery.
Personal Philosophy
I aim to provide children with a happy safe and nurturing learning environment. I believe that each child is unique and I endeavour to support their individual social, emotional and learning needs. I aim to develop and maintain respectful relationships with families and work in partnership to create a positive learning environment. My happy and kind disposition makes me approachable to staff, children and families.
I believe in providing a learning environment that is natural and filled with open ended resources allowing children to discover, imagine and create. A child’s learning environment should reflect who they are to create a sense of belonging. I believe in building a strong identity of children as we respect one’s culture, strengths and interests.
I endeavour to provide children with the time and space to direct their own learning through play. I believe that structured and spontaneous play-based learning allows children to develop essential life skills. I believe in employing and sharing a sense of humour to support positive outcomes in children’s learning.
I am motivated to learn through experienced educators and continual self-education. I will build my knowledge around child development to best support children in my care. I strongly believe in working as a team with educators to provide children with a safe, secure and supported learning environment.
Brooke is currently on Maternity leave.
Brooke works part-time in our Office and facilitates communication between the Educators and families.
Brooke rejoined our team in 2021. Brooke is a wonderful support to our Educators and ensures that what ever is needed, is communicated to the right people for the best outcome. Brooke also is working towards completing her Certificate 3 in Childrens Services and has three beautiful children.